
Definition: to convey pollen to the stigma of (a flower).
Relation: This bee pollinates flowers, as it is doing in the picture.
Found: In my neighborhood


Definition: a vascular plant having seeds that are not enclosed in an ovary; a conifer or cycad.
Relation: Gymnosperms have certain characteristics such as the way their leaves look. They also do not produce flowers, like the one above.
Found: In my neighborhood.
(Note: The purple flower petals come from the plant next to it)


Definition: Of or pertaining to hydrophobia. Having little or no affinity for water.
Relation: The water drops on the leaf's surface aren't soaked up therefore it is hydrophobic.
Found: At my house.

Dicot Plant With Flower & Leaf

Definition: Flowering plants whose seed typically has two embryonic leaves or cotyledons.
Relation: This is a dicot plant with flowers and leaves visible.
Found: In my neighborhood.

Vascular Plant

Definition: a plant having lignified tissues for conducting water, minerals, and photosynthetic products through the plant.
Relation: Some examples of vascular plants are shrubs and ferns such as the one above.
Found: In my neighborhood.


Definition: An organism, as an earthworm or plant, having normally both the male and female organs of generation.
Relation: Plants such as these are hermaphrodites because they contain both male and female reproductive organs.
Found: In my neighborhood


Definition: a relationship between two species of organisms in which both benefit from the association.
Relation: This bee is on a flower, both are benefited.
Found: In my neighborhood.


Defintion: an orientation of an organism to an external stimulus, as light, especially by growth rather than by movement.
Relation: These flowers were all facing the sunlight.
Found: In my neighborhood.

Bilateral Symmetry

Definition: A basic body plan in which the left and right sides of the organism can be divided into approximate mirror images of each other along the midline.
Relation: This leaf looks the same on its left and right sides.
Found: In my neighborhood.

Stigma & Style of Carpel

Definition: Stigma is what receives the pollen during fertilization. And the Style is a tube that is on top of the ovary.
Relation: This flower contains both stigma and style.
Found: In my neighborhood.


Definition: a compound tissue in vascular plants that helps provide support and that conducts water and nutrients upward from the roots, consisting of tracheids, vessels, parenchyma cells, and woody fibers.
Relation: A tree and it's rings are made of xylem.
Found: In my neighborhood.

CAM plant

Definition: Any plant that undergoes a form of photosynthesis known as crassulacean acid metabolism, in which carbon dioxide is taken up only at night.
Relation: An example of a CAM plant, is a cactus.
Found: In my neighborhood.

Flower Ovary

Definition: The ovary is the female reproductive organ of a flower.
Relation: The ovary can be found just below the style of the flower as shown above.
Found: In my neighborhood.


Definition: the part of a vascular bundle consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma, and fibers and forming the food-conducting tissue of a plant.
Relation: You can see the vascular bundle/tubes that transport things throughout a plant.
Found: At my house.


Definition: The act or process of fermenting. A change brought about by a ferment, as yeast enzymes, which convert grape sugar into ethyl alcohol.
Relation: These wines are an example of fermentation.
Found: At a store.


Definition: the fertilizing element of flowering plants, consisting of fine, powdery, yellowish grains or spores, sometimes in masses.
Relation: Pollen can be found on this flower.
Found: In my neighborhood.


Definition: an organism requiring organic compounds for its principal source of food.
Relation: This dog eats organic compounds as its source of food.
Found: At my friend's house.

Cuticle Layer of a Plant

Definition: Found on the outermost layer of the leaf (epidermis), The cuticle is a waxy layer for protection from bacteria and insects.
Relation: This plant's leaf has a waxy layer, making it the cuticle.
Found: At my house.


Definition: The plant or animal tissue rich in such molecules, considered as a food source supplying essential amino acids to the body.
Relation: Pasta, beans, rice, dairy products such as milk, and meats are considered protein.
Found: In my kitchen.

Epithelial Tissue

Definition: Membranous tissue covering internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body.
Relation: Skin is a form of epithelial tissue, the human body is covered with epithelial tissue.
Found: On my body.

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

Definition: An organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered using the techniques of genetic engineering. 
Relation: Crops such as the Potato, Tomato, and Banana are genetically modified.
Location: My kitchen.


Definition: a cold-blooded animal.
Relation: Animals such as this lizard are cold-blooded.
Found: At a park, near hiking areas.
(Note: I was not able to show my finger in the picture because the lizard moved fast and got scared easily but a shadow of my phone and hands is visible)

Amniotic Egg

Definition: An egg with a water-impermeable amniotic membrane surrounding a fluid-filled amniotic cavity. This permits embryonic development on land without danger of dessication. 
Relation: This egg, that came from a chicken, is water-impermeable and could have developed on land, if not processed and put into supermarkets.
Found: In my kitchen fridge.



Definition: Any organism having as its fundamental structural unit a cell type that contains specialized organelles in the cytoplasm, a membrane-bound nucleus, and an elaborate system of division by mitosis or meiosis, characteristic of all life forms except bacteria, blue-green algae, and other primitive microorganisms.
Relation: This is a dog, it matches all of the definition above. They have enclosed genetic material organized into chromosomes.
Found: This dog was found at my friend's house.

Proof: Nails

My nails, along with their designs, will be used to prove the pictures are mine.